Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Two Survivors Of The Holocaust - 1036 Words
Two Survivors of the Holocaust Don’t Worry this is not one of those gross and gory stories about the Holocaust. It is and compare and contrast of two families where some members survived, but some unfortunately did not. The two families being talked about are the Weismann’s and the Klein’s. Many Jews lives were lost during the holocaust, but there is also many who survived such a traumatic event. These people’s stories can be so different, but also so alike at the same time and that is what I am going to elaborate on today. Kurt and Gerda’s lives before the war before the war were very different, mostly because of their living circumstances were so different. Before the war started Kurt a year after his sister moved to the United States of America, and Gerda and her family stayed in their homeland of Poland until were kicked out later on after the World War 2 started. When Kurt first moved to America it was just him and his sister. About a year later their brother was lucky enough to make it there as well, in the year of 1938. September 1st 1939 Nazi invaded Poland. A short time after Gerda’s Brother Arthur was forced to leave in a Nazi transport along with other young men in their town, and had to leave the family. Kurt got to be with his siblings unlike Gerda, and Gerda got to be with her parents unlike Kurt. Kurt’s family had plans to all be in America together, but many things got in the way of Kurt’s parents getting there. Such as new immigration laws and gettingShow Mor eRelatedThe Holocaust And Its Effects On Survivors1442 Words  | 6 PagesThe Holocaust was a really tragic event that took place in the period from January 30, 1933 to May 8, 1945, during the Holocaust about 11 million Jews were killed (Wikipedia) by a german group that saw the Jewish people as an inferior race, the Nazis, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, mercilessly killed all of those unfortunate to be caught. To this day, there are still survivors that witnessed this horrifying event, there are also journals and articles that explain in great detail how the HolocaustRead MoreThe Holocaust : A Major Effect On Judaism1409 Words  | 6 PagesThe holocaust had a major effect on Judaism as a whole. This conflict between tragedy and faith is not new. Jewish history shows us that the jewish people have undergone the most terrible persecutions and genocide at the hands of many oppressors. Whether it be about the pogroms, crusades, destruction of the Temples, the jewish peopl e have been at the brunt of the most terrible atrocities, and yet this does not shake their faith,Anti-Semitism was nothing new. This became even more evident with theRead MoreThe On Coping With The Holocaust Experience1401 Words  | 6 Pageschaos because of the Holocaust. Families were ripped apart and values were washed away as citizens were forcefully placed in concentration camps to either be immediately killed or to work until they died. Every person within the camps faced unthinkable trauma. Once everyone was released, the prisoners began to search for lost loved ones and a sense of normality. However, the anguish did not end with the end of the Holocaust. Following the Holocaust, first generation survivors developed abnormalRead MoreEssay Bare Witness of the Holocaust1435 Words  | 6 PagesBearing witness When we encounter a Holocaust survivor, a lot of questions come to our mind. We start to wonder how did they manage to survive. We tend to assume that once the Holocaust was over, survivors began to reestablish their lives and their pain disappeared. However, Holocaust survivors suffered, and even after 70 years after the liberation, Holocaust survivors still experience difficulties on their day-to-day basis. In the years followed the Holocaust they struggled with their painful memoriesRead MoreThe Holocaust During World War II1651 Words  | 7 PagesThe holocaust was the genocide of European Jews and other groups by the Nazis during World War II. It lasted from 1933 to 1945, as a horrible time in history. Approximately 11 million people were killed, and almost 1 million of those killed were innocent children. It is well-known that there were a number of survivors, yet not many people know exactly how these people survived. The most known thing about the holocaust are the concentration camps. A concentration camp is defined by, â€Å"a place whereRead MoreThe Holocaust And The Rwanda Genocide1629 Words  | 7 PagesThe mind of a survivor of genocide can be various, violent, confused, or blank, it can scar the mind indefinitely or not. Not only are the conductors of the kill-spree are scary, but even the victims can be just as terrifying. Two examples of genocide are the Holocaust and the Rwanda Genocide, both of which gives off long ranges of psychological effects on the mind of those who survive. Survivors struggle through the tragic events with the hope they would soon find and be with their loved ones. SoRead MoreMental Health in Holocaust Survivors1554 Words  | 6 Pagessecond generation holocaust survivors Sarah Getz Suffolk University â€Æ' Rationale†¨ Many American immigrants have been affected in both their mental health and family history by Nazi concentration camp experiences. This group of Americans has a unique cultural and psychological history. Many researchers have focused on this cultural group. The term survivor syndrome (Krystal, 1968; Krystal Niederland, 1971) was coined to describe some of the negative symptoms holocaust survivors experienced. ThisRead MoreThe Most Traumatic Event Of The 20th Century1073 Words  | 5 PagesCentury The Holocaust is known as one of the darkest side and one of the most vast hardships in the 20th century. â€Å"Holocaust,†comes from the Greek words, â€Å"holos†and â€Å"kaustos.†The word, â€Å"holos,†means whole and the word, â€Å"kaustos,†means burned. It was historically used to illustrate a sacrificial offering of the burning on an altar. Ever since 1945, this word has been taken to a whole other level. Today, the meaning behind this word is the universal murder of 6 million Jews (The Holocaust). In 1933Read MoreThe Holocaust : The Causes Of Hate In The Holocaust1424 Words  | 6 Pagestowards them? The Holocaust being one of the many genocides in our history was indeed influenced by an intense dislike. That intense dislike was towards certain types of people it ended up taking multiple lives. One of the many races that were hated, and killed during the Holocaust were the Jews. Jews had an average life before the Holocaust. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website, in 1933, there were about ten million Jews living in Europe which made up about two percent ofRead MoreThe Holocaust : The Most Tragic And Shameful Event1330 Words  | 6 PagesIn just twelve years, a heinous vision executed nearly six million Jewish people at the hands of Hitler and his followers, making the Holocaust debatably the most tragic and shameful event recorded in Earth’s history. During this time, different races, ethnicities, and religious groups were persecuted and annihilated for their beliefs that conflicted with Hitler’s persistence to eliminate the â€Å"flaws†of humanity. Hitler and his followers had one goal in mind: to cultivate a master race for the next
Monday, December 23, 2019
Ethical Issues in Social Work Essay - 4635 Words
Ethical Issues in Social Work I will provide practical help for new social workers to help them understand and deal with ethical issues and dilemmas which they will face. There are many ethical issues which are important to social work, but I feel that these are all covered by the care value base. The care value base Was devised by the care sector consortium in 1992, this was so that the workers in health and social care had a common set of values and principles which they would all adhere to. It is important because for the first time the social care sector had a clear set of guidelines from which ethical judgements could be made. The care value base is divided into 5†¦show more content†¦This is important to the individual as it affects self esteem, because if for example a service user is being treated differently because of the colour of his skin, then it could lead to him having a feeling of low self worth and low self esteem. It could also effect the opportunities for the service user, this is because for example, a service user could not be able to receive the same treatment as the other service users and so would not have the same opportunities. Also, if a service user is being discriminated against, they will not be empowered. This could lead to low autonomy as they would not be able to do much for themselves. Rights and Responsibilities Carers must understand that the service users have the right to choose their own beliefs and lifestyle. For example they have the right to choose what they wear and what they choose to do in the day. The carer has a responsibity to enable the client do what they choose to do. The carer will therefore be empowering the client. This is where the client is given the power to make their own decisions and allowing them to do as they wish. The carer must understand they don’t have the right to damage the quality of a client’s life, they must also ensure that other clients do not harm other clients, and that other carersShow MoreRelatedEthical Issues Of Social Work Practice1093 Words  | 5 PagesUnit 17: Topic: Ethical issues in Social Work Practice. Our everyday interactions are underpinned by ethics. Social work in its sectors deals with people in multiple and complex situations. Social workers largely work with people who are affected by different life aspects such as ethnicity, disabilities and culture. The fundamental concern for social work is to understand how these aspects affect the individuals. Applying normative ethical theory processes of ethical analysis Virtue ethics concernedRead MoreThe Ethical Issues Of The Social Work Practice Essay956 Words  | 4 Pages Position Paper #4 The ethical issues in the social work practice are very extensive. A social worker has to deal with many of these issues in every case they work on, especially when it comes to life or death cases. In the case given, Ava experiences ethical issues when working with his client, John, who lets her know about his terminal illness, the fact that he only has 6 months to live and his consideration about ending his life. Ava as a counselor and social worker must be prepared at a professionalRead MoreThe Importance of Critical Thinking and Ethical Decision Making on Social Work1149 Words  | 5 Pagesfor someone in the social work profession to serve vulnerable populations it was intended to serve, it is imperative to use critical thinking and ethical decision making in tandem to achieve the optimal result. The balance is a delicate and often complex. It requires a close examination or critically thinking, of all the issues not just within yourself, but the community as a whole, the individuals within it, and the client population that the social work serves. The social work profession is builtRead MoreUnderstanding Ethics Of Social Work1432 Words  | 6 PagesEthics in Social Work Brandy Whatley Troy University April 15, 2016 Abstract As a professional practitioner in the field of social work a great practice is to develop a foundation structured around the ethical standard set by the National Association of Social Workers. Dilemmas can arise, creating issues that could have a massive effect on clients, families, clinicians, communities, and the organization involved. In order to find a solution to the issue(s) models of ethical reasoningRead MoreExplain the ethical issues a business needs to consider in its operational activities689 Words  | 3 PagesExplain the ethical issues a business needs to consider in its operational activities. P2 Explain the implications for the business and stakeholders of a business operating ethically. P3 Describe the social implications of business ethics facing a selected business in its different areas of activity P4 Examine the ethical concerns of the communities in which a selected business operated M1 Assess how a selected business could improve the ethics of their operations M2 Assess the social implicationsRead MoreEthical Issue of Long Work Hours1741 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿ Ethical Issue of Long Work Hours Xinyu Zhou Grad 6 Taught by Dr. Mark Smith Introduction Today, long work hours have become a significant issue. For employees’ health and the normal operation of the society system, ethical issue of long work hours should be cared more. Countless evidence shows that long work hours increase the workers’ risks for injury and disease. For instance, a research by American government estimates that long work hours increase theRead MoreAnalysis Of Iain Ferguson s Analysis On Where Social Work867 Words  | 4 Pages 1.) Iain Ferguson’s analysis on where social work lies is an eye-opening account on how social work is perceived by the state and by those who social workers are fighting for. By both state and those who are receiving social work care, the perception is clear; social work is perceived to be a form of social control on one end of the spectrum, and on the other a problematic profession in which workers side with their clients. The ideological clashes that arise between society, citizen, and familyRead MoreSocial Work Values And Ethics1441 Words  | 6 PagesRunning head: Social Work Values and Ethics 1 Social Work Values and Ethics Unique to the Profession Jessica A. Rosario Arizona State University Social Work Values and Ethics 2 Abstract The history and evolution of social work dates to the late 1800’s. Since the profession was recognized many concerns arose regarding the values and ethics of social workers. The key points of theRead MoreOrganizational Ethics697 Words  | 3 PagesETH/316 October 27, 2014 Mario Madrid Organizational Ethics Business policies and practices regarding potentially controversial issues are part of organizational ethics. These ethics are often guided by the law; most business uses ethics in order to be accepted by the public or to have a successful business. Ethical principles can address organizational issues which help the organization to follow good practices within their organization or company. I am part of the Parkland Health amp; HospitalRead MoreEthical Issues in Management Essay1199 Words  | 5 PagesEthical Issues in Management Charles Hall Axia Student Diversity in the workplace refers to the stark contrast of individuals within the same work environment. Many moral and ethical issues are faced by managers every day concerning diversity. Social Issues and ethically responsible management practices relate to workplace diversity in simple but important ways. Ethically it is irresponsible for managers to manage diversity in the workplace by acting insensitively towards employees. There are
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Unit Assessment Free Essays
Human Resources Coordinator: Supports the efficient operations of the Human Resources Department by coordinating and delivering a diverse range of Human Resources Management activities with a focus on recruitment, on-boarding induction training, Human Resources system administration, organization development and information management. Business Plans: To work closely with Government, health practitioners, researchers, cancer advocacy groups, charities and cancers sufferers to help eradicate cancer. Business Goals: To eradicate cancer by reducing smoking prevalence. We will write a custom essay sample on Unit Assessment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ever exposure to ultraviolet light by behavior modification, create healthy environments thus having healthier lifestyles for patients, increasing cancer survival rates by encouraging screening participation, improving earlier detection, reducing cancer outcome variations, reducing the gap between outcomes and the care patients receive by defining key areas, Improve models of service delivery, embedding health services research In cancer care and arranging policies procedures to support them. Policies Procedures: Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, Annual Reports Cancer Plans, NEWS Cancer Plan 2011-2015, Conflict of Interest, Corporate Credit Card, Corporate Governance Statement, Data Governance, Employee Code of Conduct Ethics, Fraud Corruption Control Strategy, Information Technology – Third Party Service Management, Public Interest Disclosures Policy, Receiving gifts benefits, Records Management, Reporting Corrupt Conduct to IAC, Responding to Requests for Information Advice, Smoke Free Workplace and Sponsorship. ) Goals Coordinate the on-boarding of new staff Coordinate the separation of exiting staff Coordinate Performance Development Process (PDP) cycle milestones Coordinate organization wide training initiatives Coordinate organization wide reward and recognition programs The Human Resources (HRS) Coordinator’s role is to ensure the above goals are met by working independently as well as working closely with HRS Management. By gathe ring the required Information, the HRS Coordinator must take it and use It accordingly to the organizations polices and procedures. The HRS Team can only function correctly if everyone plays their part. The HRS Coordinators primary role is to coordinate – to reduce plans for the organization in order for the organization to follow them in accordance with policy and procedure. 3) KIP: On-boarding Staff – Produce letters of employment offer, develop starter kits for new staff and organize enrolment into HRS Learning Systems for new staff. KIP: Separation of Exiting Staff – Conducting exit interviews, produce separation checklists, closure of employee profiles and removal of employee from HRS Systems. KIP: PDP Cycle Milestones – Develop documentation follow-up to ensure milestones are completed in accordance with organizational requirements and generate a rarity of performance outcome reports. KIP: Organization Wide Training Initiatives – Organize invitations to get people involved in training, keep a formal attendance record, organize qualified facilitators to train students, keep maintain training calendar for important training dates (assessments) and book venues for training to be held. KIP: Coordinate Organization Wide Reward Recognition Programs – Be in charge of the organizing and running of the Purple Jersey Program, distribution of movie lunch vouchers and developing 5 year service awards by keeping track of employee attendance. The above Kepi’s will be used to measure goal-related performance by how well each task is performed. Every goal that each employee completes makes up the organizations overall performance outcome. Every task has its own set of conditions and difficulties. These conditions and difficulties can vary from minimal to maximum depending on what the task is and how the task is handled. By using the urgent-important matrix, we can eliminate the most important tasks first and work on the smaller tasks at a later time that way the sit of tasks does not seem as bad as originally planned as they are broken up into more manageable tasks. By using the matrix, it can eliminate the stresses of having so much on one’s plate to do. It will make it easier to look at each task and say â€Å"It is manageable†or â€Å"l can achieve this†instead of lacking the confidence to do so. 4) Coordinate organization wide training initiatives Coordinate PDP Cycle Milestones Coordinate separation of exiting staff Coordinate organization wide reward and recognition programs The two goals that I choose to develop work plans for are: I chose these two goals as I believe they are the most important tasks to manage for the organization would be going nowhere. Putting on new staff replaces those that exit the organization. I will maintain a healthy work-life balance by finding my best two hours of the day to strongly strive awards getting my urgent-important tasks done. I also truly believe that work stays at work and home stays within home boundaries – do not mix the two together as it can cause problems in either area. My stress levels can be managed by sticking to my work plan of doing the urgent-important tasks first to eliminate worrying about trying to do several tasks at once. I can maintain my health by taking regular breaks away from the computer screen as it is unhealthy to be sitting staring at a computer the brief walk from my desk to the staff room and back. How to cite Unit Assessment, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Patient Medical Record free essay sample
VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 100, respiratory rate 42 per minute, temperature 99. 1, blood pressure 156/96. GENERAL: The patient appears very tired at the present time. HEENT: negative. CHEST: There is an increased anteroposterior diaemeter to the chest. No intercostal retractions during inspiration. HEART: Normal heart sounds without murmor or racing. ABDOMEN: soft and nontender. EXTREMETIES: normal with full range of motion. LABORATORY DATA: Urine test was positive for ketones. A complete blood panel was done and showed a blood sugar level of 150 mg. White blood cell count was elevated at 13. 5 IMPRESSION: Myelodysplastic Syndrome Diabetes Mellitus Two questions for potential hires: What else does this medical report need: A. more in depth description B. less detail C. a prognosis plan D. nothing E. all the above What else could this report have that will be beneficial to all medical personnel? A. more specific information B. more information on vital C. a more in depth past history D. We will write a custom essay sample on Patient Medical Record or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page all the above E. nothing more REFERENCES: Retrieved from http://1. American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in diabetes  2013. Diabetes Care. 2013;36(suppl):1 / Retrieved from http://www. cancer. org/cancer/myelodysplasticsyndrome/index ADMISSION HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAM PATIENT NAME: Cody Jones HOSPITAL NUMBER: 602-888-6939 DATE OF ADMISSION: June 1, 2012 HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS This patient is an 18 month old african american male evaluated by me in the emergency department on the above date, patient was very irritable and left ear appears to be red and swollen. PAST HISTORY This is the patients third time coming into the emergency department with like symptoms. At age 12 months patient was diagnosed with asthma after a chronic sinus infection and wheezing. Patient has no surgical history. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION VITAL SIGNS: pulse 100, respiratory rate 25 per minute, temperature 99. 3, blood pressure 95/60. GENERAL: Patient appears to be irritable. HEENT: Negative,except for redness and swelling of left ear. CHEST: Normal HEART: Normal heart sounds without murmor. ABDOMEN: soft and nontender. EXTREMETIES: normal with full range of motion. LABORATORY DATA Complete blood count came back normal. IMPRESSION Otis media effusion of the left auditory canal Asthma Two questions for potential hires: Is this a complete medical report: A. yes B. o, it lacks information C. It needs more information for vitals D. more information needed for patient past history E. needs a diagnosis Does the medical report have follow up care information: A. It has just enough information B. has to little information No follow up care information is needed D. follow up care does not go on a medical record E. Medical record should have detailed specific follow up inform ation References Kids Health. (2013). Retrieved from http://kidshealth. org/parent/medical/asthma/wheezing_asthma. html# emedicine health. (2013). Retrieved from http://www. medicinehealth. com/pediatric_vital_signs/article_em. htm American Academy of Pediatrics. (2013). Retrieved from http://pediatrics. aappublications. org/content/113/5/1412. full ADMISSION HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAM PATIENT NAME: Fred Thompson HOSPITAL NUMBER: 557-852-3685 DATE OF ADMISSION: April 6, 2013 HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS This 78-year-old caucasian was evaluated by me in the emergency department on the above date, complaining of progressive shortness of breath, fever, fatigue, heartburn, and upper back pain. PAST HISTORY The patient has a history of myocardial infarction. 2 years ago patient had like symptoms and was diagnosed with myocardial infarction after results were positive from a electrocardiogram (ECG). Patient also has gout. Does not smoke or drink alcohol. No past surgical history. PHYSICAL EXAMINAION VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 90, respiratory rate 52 per minute, temperature 101. 1, blood pressure 154/96. GENERAL: The patient appears to be fatigued and is sweaty from fever at this time. HEENT: Negative. CHEST: There is an increased anteroposterior diameter to the chest. HEART: The heart appears to have a skipped beat. ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. EXTREMETIES: Patient has full range of motion. Both ankles have swelling . LABORATORY DATA Complete blood count shown an elevated white blood cell count of 16,4000. Blood count also shown cardiac enzymes to be present. Uric acid was also elevated and present in blood count. A urine test shown positive for uric acid. IMPRESSION Congestive heart failure Myocardial Infarction Gout Two questions for potential hires: Is this a complete medical report: A. yes B. no, it lacks information C. It needs more information for vitals D. more information needed for patient past history E. needs a diagnosis What other information is needed on this report: A. more lab results B. specific lab results more patient history D. more information on physical examination E. all the above References WebMD. (2013). Retrieved from http://arthritis. webmd. com/tc/gout-topic-overview MedicineNet. (2013). Retrieved from http://www. medicinenet. com/heart_attack/page6. htm LabTestsOnline. (2013). Retrieved from http://labtestsonline. org/understanding/analytes/uric-acid/tab/test
Friday, November 29, 2019
[pic] Essays - Polyphaga, Cucujiformia, Desmiphorini, Pic Language
[pic] Edmodo Google Voice Remind [pic] ----------------------- [pic] Students - Join Quizlet!! www.quizlett.com! This is you will find all the vocabulary you are responsible for learning. There are numerous games and study modes. [pic] Tropical Rainforest [pic] Do you want to walk under beautiful greenery? Do you want to enjoy adventures of swinging with the animals? Come to Costa Rica and enjoy a week long vacation at Nelson's Tropical Get Away [pic] 24 hours day care Heated pool Casino Adult bar Teenage Club [pic] Contact information Alexis nelson Suite 306 Cell Phone(601) 346-5635 Google Voice (601) 351-5094 [emailprotected] Nelson's FunPad CLINE-OLOGY: Apps [pic] Remind (formerly Remind101) is a FREE, SAFE, and EASY way for teachers to connect instantly with students and parents. Teachers NEVER see the students/parents numbers, and students/parents NEVER see theirs. All students will receive a flyer to sign up with a specific code in order to join (Teacher's Name) group. Students will receive reminders for the following: V Weekly Current Events Assignments V Quizzes V Tests V Project Due Dates V Homework Please make certain that you sign up so that you can stay informed. [pic] [pic] Google Voice: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How? Who: Google Voice was developed by the Google Corporation. What: Google Voice is a telecommunications service by Google which allows users to make domestic and international calls and send texts from their cell phone app, from the web-based application, or by dialing their Google Voice number. When: Google Voice was launched on March 11, 2009, after acquiring the service GrandCentral. Where: Google Voice is available to anyone who has a valid gmail address and is available on the web, Android, and iOS. Why: Google Voice allows the teacher to contact the parent without sharing my personal phone number. How: Google Voice will be used in this classroom as an open line of communication primarily for the teacher and parents. You may contact me on my Google Voice number at 601-351-5094 between the hours of 8:00a.m.- 8:00p.m. daily. I will not communicate any other hours. [pic] What is Edmodo? Edmodo is a "social learning platform" website for teachers, students, and parents. It is marketed as the "Facebook" for schools. The users of Edmodo can post assignments and quizzes, embed video clips, and provide instant feedback. Students can view their teachers' posts, upload assignments, take tests and quizzes, and review grades. Parents can use the students account or create their own with full access. How Do You Use Edmodo? In order to sign up for Edmodo, you need to create a student and/or parent account using an email address (use an email address that you check regularly) and password. Once you have created an account, please signup for your correct grade level Edmodo group for your instructor (Teacher's Name). V 7th Grade Science: (Group Code) V 8th Grade Science: (Group Code) www.edmodo.com/clinesscienceclass Please download this app to your smart device. It is available on Windows, Android, and iOS platforms.
Monday, November 25, 2019
buy custom Exam Question essay
buy custom Exam Question essay In this poem, Whitman uses the word drums in a symbolic style to imply a war. The poem has three stanzas, the first talks of the looming war, the second talks about the situation in the streets and villages as a result of the war. The third describes the sorrowful scene of people mourning the dead an aftermath of the war. The sound of drums is a wake up call to the people to leave their duties and join forces at the battlefield. The drums getting louder indicate that the war has turned into a fully blown, extended warfare, unlike what everyone expected to be a short-lived battle. The use of alliteration and repetition by the poet communicates the idea that it is time to face the war, there is no time to waste, they have no option other than go to the battlefield and face their opponents in the war or else they risk being wiped out by their enemies. It is clear that people are restless, with the idea of war in their mentality, the people can only think of how the war shall interfere with their normal lives. The remorseful tone used in the last stanza and the use of the hearse being awaited means that a lot of people have succumbed to death in the battlefield. Buy custom Exam Question essay
Friday, November 22, 2019
Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 24
Art - Essay Example Within this outline there is a square gold pattern, with elaborate corners and mid-line embellishments. This part of the design encloses a dark center area within which dark and light blue patterns are woven, along with four larger, flower-lile motifs with bright white outlines and dark brown centers. Two interlocking eight point stars make up the centrepiece, one in light gold and one in light blue, with a small light blue dot and petal-like surround forming exactly the middle of the tile. All of these figures form concentric shapes around the tiny dot in the middle. There is a very tight design principle at work in this tile. All of the angles and proportions are carefully measured so that the whole piece has a four, eight and twelve-fold structure. There is a geometric logic behind the stars, and the four quarters reflect each other bringing great harmony and unity to the overall design. Within this extreme regularity there is also considerable low key variation. The use of fragments of tile within the dark blue and brown color blocks breaks these parts up, and gives them a quirky, interesting texture. Against this broken surface, the pure white sections appear startlingly solid and bright, and draw the eye to the four central flower motifs and the pinpoint in the middle which is surrounded with a petal-like ring of white. These shapes are not realistic depictions of actual flowers, but more like generic indicators of living forms. Likewise, the geometric features incorporate curves as well as straight lines, giving this piece an intriguing mixture of mathematical and biological connotations. The use of contrast is key to this piece, and this reflects the likely use of this tile on a wall or floor, adjacent to other similar or perhaps identical tiles, so that the patterning can extend in ever growing circles as each tile link s to the next. There is obvious wear on the surface of the tile, but in spite of
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Physics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Physics - Essay Example Besides this, he had inventions that made him unique among other physicists. In 1951, Bardeen left Bell Laboratories and went ahead to carry out his own research at Illinois. It is here that he won two major Nobel prizes in physics. His first Nobel Prize was the transistor in which he shared with William Shockley and Walter Brattain. The second Nobel Prize was for explanation of the theoretical concept of superconductivity. He shared this prize with Leon Cooper and Bob Schrieffer. The microscopic theory of superconductivity was also known as the â€Å"BCS Theory†. They were the first ones to give â€Å"a coherent explanation at the microscopic level of a wide range of intricate and fascinating phenomena in metals at low temperature, known as and related to superconductivity†(Bruus and Flensberg 325). Besides the two Nobel prizes making him different from the other scientific geniuses in physics of the twentieth century, his â€Å"remarkable modesty, his deep interest in the application of science, and his genuine ability to collaborate easily with experimentalist and theorist alike†added to his being distinguished (Bardeen 288). Nick Holonyak, his first electrical engineering graduate student did develop the light-emitting diode thus honoring John Bardeen. Ernest Rutherford was a British physicist born in 1871 in New Zealand (Marshall Cavendish Corporation 1501). According to Eve and Wilson, Rutherford was â€Å"one of the most eminent physicists ever, and earned his scientific reputation primarily by his pioneering contributions to radioactivity and nuclear physics†(Kragh 1). In 1907 in Canada, he was greatly involved in research at Mc Gill University where he discovered atomic nucleus or radioactivity. At Victoria University of Manchester (known as university of Manchester today) together with Thomas Royds, they were able to differentiate and name the alpha and the beta radiation. They did prove that the alpha radiation is the helium
Monday, November 18, 2019
Sustainability within National Parks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1
Sustainability within National Parks - Essay Example MICE is commonly organised through meetings, exhibitions, conferences, corporate travels and incentive travels among others as a mechanism to generate awareness among the global communities regarding a particular issue. The special events are organised to attract visitors from global contexts, assisting in generating revenue as well, with the intention to support any developmental need towards sustainable development. It is in this context that these special events are identified to be attached with various environmental issues such as polluting air, water and land immensely. Nevertheless, organising MICE has also been criticised on the ground that holding these special events causes excessive use of non-renewable energy, increased transportation and abundant use of other natural resources such as water among others. According to Zamzuri & et. al. (2011), special events have adversely affected the environment due to increased wastes, inappropriate way of waste management, increased t ransportation and unnecessary materials purchasing among others (Pizam, 2012; Zamzuri & et. al., 2011). However, with a much positive perspective, according to Pao (2004), special events, which include conference and corporate meeting among others are organised in various locations with the intention of generating revenue for economic development. These events are identified to develop the tourism sectors; but on the other hand, they are identified as important sources affecting the ecological environment of a country at large causing pollution, traffic congestion and waste among others, within a short span of time as compared to other sources of similar environmental degradation (Anand, 2013; Wood & Brotherton, 2008). These environmental issues, identified from events organised under MICE, are also classified as those factors accountable for increasing social costs and thereby, affecting the environmental equilibrium (Pao, 2004). Green Business Tourism The tourism industry has aime d at developing an effective and eco-friendly environment with the aim of attracting visitors and making a country an attractive location for organising special events (Lau, 2009). According to Lau (2009), there are three main players that are associated with MICE, which include clients, suppliers and other players like government and sponsors among others. The organisers of MICE thus need to held meetings and exhibitions and other intended functions in an appropriate manner with the aim of ensuring that events are executed with better considerations towards the environmental sustainability responsibilities and societal stability. The organiser should also develop and initiate policies as well as measures on the basis of which, meetings and exhibitions should be conducted. Moreover, the organisers should seek that the site where the MICE events are to be organised,
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Company overview of Indian coffee business
Company overview of Indian coffee business This case study analyses and discusses the Indian company Cafà © Coffee Day, its Marketing Mix and entry mode to the UK. My research aims to explore the cafà © coffee days background, marketing mix, and the success strategies in India in addition to various kinds of international environmental factors and market entry mode to enter in the UK market. The questions of why and how to enter in the UK market are illustrated with different market entry modes. It is found that the UK market is ease to enter for business. I compared the companys marketing mix and UKs marketing environment. I presented some recommendation to the successful Indian organization except minimum international experience for building its charisma in the UK. This case study is illustrates a trusted and well known coffee house brand Cafà © Coffee Day, and how it is possible for this to venture into one of the largest economy in the European zone , The United Kingdom. This case study describes the various marketing mix of this organization, the marketing environment of UK and the possible entry modes. Cafà © Coffee Day in India Cafà © Coffee Day (CCD) is one of the well established company and heart throb of youths in India. The headquarter is situated in Chikkamagaluru, Karnataka its a division of Amalgamated Bean Coffee Trading Company Ltd. CCD opened its first cafe in the year 1996 on the socially frequented area called Brigade Road which is located in the heart of Bangalore, now it has become the biggest retail chain of cafà ©s in India, having more than 1000 cafes in 141 cities. Cafà © Coffee Day stands out as a unique brand in India and has managed to achieve the tag of Most Trusted Brand ranking itself as second in a survey for food services conducted in 2008. Nowadays CCD plans to create big global chain by 2012-2013(Cafà © Coffee Day Official website 2010). While expanding the business in India, CCDs marketing strategy is to open a cafà © near to educational institution and corporate campuses. CCD already started to explore European market; they made their present to open coffee shops in Vienna. Cafà © coffee day is having various kinds of formats depending on the target audience. Cafà © Coffee Day Trivia C:Documents and SettingsRanjeetDesktopccd_table1.JPG (Source: website CCD Coffee Day website 2010) Cafà © Coffee Day Formats: C:Documents and SettingsRanjeetDesktopccd_table2.JPG (Source: website CCD Coffee Day website 2010) United Kingdom: United Kingdom has the sixth largest economy in the world and stands tall in list of developed countries in the European Union. UK is the home of world famous education institutes and corporate houses. Central Intelligence Agencys cites that the population of UK is 62,348,447 (July 2010), and the real GDP of the country is -5% (2009 est.). The annual report of World Bank declared that United Kingdom is ranked 4 out of 183 economies for ease of doing business. While choosing the UK market Cafà © Coffee Day needs to analysis the international marketing environments (CIA world factbook 2010). International Market Environment Brassington Pettit, (2006) argues while taking the decision to pursue international development, the company has to investigate following environmental factors. Socio cultural Environment Cultural factors Language Factors The UK population speaks various languages according to the region, Although English is the national language but CCD needs to consider Scot, Scot Gaelic, Welsh, Irish and Cornish languages as well. Religion CIA world factbook categorized religions in The UK (2001 census) (Source: CIA FactBook Website) Social factors Demographic factors and lifestyle plays very important role. According to MSI various sectors of the fast food market appeal to different age groups as a result the age profile of the UK population is significant factor affecting the demand. The urbanization of UK population is 0.5% the annual rate of change from 2005-10 and in year 2010 the population growth rate is 0.563 % (CIA World factbook). Legal Environment The UK legal system has early influences of roman and modern continental practices of law; has guidelines for the Acts of Parliament under the Human Rights Act of 1998 which have a non binding review of judicial nature; accepts compulsory ICJ jurisdiction with reservations (CIA World factbook) International Laws The United Kingdom comes under European countrys laws and regulations, and Indian and UK participation organization like IFC, ICC etc. Technological Environment The UK is technologically advanced than the India and having wide range of internet, telephone, and mobile network. Economic Environment The UK is a leading trading power and financial centre. In India CCD does not have any rules of minimum wages but while entering in United Kingdom, Company needs to give consideration to minimum wage rule, inflation rate, unemployment rate and household income . Political Environment Political and legal factors plays an imperative role in this industry, these factors sets the rule of competition, operational cost and wages. Following points should consider while entering in the UK. Operational restrictions Discriminatory restriction Physical actions Marketing Mix of Cafà © Coffee Day The age old marketing mix, consisting of the 4Ps i.e; 1.Product 2.Price 3. Place 4. Promotion However CCD offering infrastructure, facilities, staffs, and the process from ordering the product to delivering it. This is the reason makes us to consider People, Physical evidence and Process (Brassington Pettit, 2006, P. 1063). Products Food (Source: official website of CCD) Beverages (Source: official website of CCD) Cafà © Coffee Day is offering various ranges of products, some of them already exist in UK market. The Cafà © Coffee Day adopts a product managing hindsight to distinguish each of its unique cafe which are exhibited under an umbrella of products and those can be different as per the location. For example we can introduce Masala Chai and Kashmiri Qahwah to Indian populated area. Price While considering the price mix for UK market, CCD needs to consider various factors which can play the vital role to influence the pricing strategy. Factors: Affects on the Pricing Strategy Company and Product factors Corporate and Marketing objectives The short term tactical use of pricing such as discounts, product offers, ex. McDonalds use Big Mac with fries and Coke Firm and Product positioning Available resources Marketing and Product development Market Factors Consumers perception of the product, associated expectations and the average spending ability Identifying the objectives of the existing, their upcomingstrategies and unqiue selling point Environmental Factors Government influences and constraints Level of inflation Cafà © coffee day can apply a variety of strategies, combination of affordable prices and understand consumers need in addition to estimate the competition from the major companies like Starbucks and Costa Coffee and their strength and weakness as well. Business in the UK is governed by Government regulations and inflation plays an important role running them. It is important for CCD to analyze all the important factors which i have mentioned above to integrate and coordinate pricing policies to grow in the UK (Doole Lowe, 2008, P. 383-4). Place Strategic locations of the outlets help to attract the target market by means of which Cafà © Coffee day is sustaining its business, for ex. in India their outlets are commonly situated near to family entertainment centers, educational institutes and high street. CCD can apply the same strategy in addition to it can open the outlets in city center and near to corporate offices. Promotion Cafà © Coffee Day use promotion mix in India like ties up with youth brand Levies and association in movies except as a new company in the UK; it needs to go with more options of promotions. The customer is most likely to build his/her expectations by grasping the communication messages marketing the service a business service is likely to deliver (Brassington Pettit, 2006, P. 1069). The Promotion criteria use a variety of communication and motivation techniques with adequate emphasis on the need to generate curiosity which ultimately helps the customer purchase the new product with trust (Lilly Walters1997). Following possible channels of advertising can aid CCD to realize its existence in the market. T.V. Radio Print Advertising Internet Advertising Sales Promotion (Student Concession) People The nature of Services provided depends on the various interactions between people, including Cafà © Coffee Days staff and the regular customer. The staff plays vital role to deliver the quality service, people in CCD knows People are hired for what they know but fired for how they behave. Cafà © Coffee Day believes that staff is the real face of any company so they can stress on intensive staff training to cope with customers. Physical evidence Brassington Pettit have mentioned Physical evidence comprises the tangible elements that support the service delivery, and offer clues about the positioning of the service product or give the customer something solid to take away with them to symbolized the intangible benefit they have received(2006, P.1070). Cafà © Coffee Day is well aware about the physical evidences it can be categorized by: Brand Image, Logo: Cafà © Coffee Day logo has bright red and green color which gives it a distinct appeal. Red color represents leadership, vitality and the zest for drinking coffee, whereas the strokes in green instantiates the heritage of producing coffee Architecture and Dà ©cor: Cafà © Coffee Day is using lots of young color of today like limegreen, yellow, orange and purple and lots of steel instead of wood. Literature: A youth representative image is indicated by the literature provided by Cafà © Coffee Day. The colorful hardbound menus, placards, leaflets are all designed o appeal the younger generation who are able to emphasize with it. Processes In India earlier Cafà © Coffee Day opted on self serving system but nowadays in most of the outlets the waiter comes and takes away the order and delivers it to the particular table. While considering the UK market it can be vary according to the location for an example CCD can choose to go with self service with an outlet on Sauchihall street in Glasgow to alleviate the service provision in heavy rush and to avoid the appointment of an additional staff for servicing, thereby saving cost in process execution. Entry Mode to United Kingdom Once the company decided to enter in the UK market, it must evaluate various options on how to create an entry into the market. Different factors influence the choice of entry into the market. Brassington Pettit (2006, P.1131-2) state six main factors are as below: Speed: How quickly a company wants to penetrate into a market? Cost: How much is the initial investment required to enter into the UK market? Flexibility: How flexible is the company to adapt to the requirements of the changing market? Risk factors: Competitive and Political risk Payback period: The pressure from within the organization to produce a quick return on any foreign market investment How fast the organization operates to achieve break even on investments from foreign shores and also generate profits on the long run. Long-term profit objectives: long term strategic plan and opportunities While entering in the United Kingdom, Cafà © Coffee Day can use different entry modes for its all business divisions. Direct Export Direct exporting means that the Cafà © Coffee Day would produce FMCG products in India and then foray into a foreign venture thereby exporting it to the new found market i.e. (UK) customer without involving intermediary parties. The parent company Amalgamated Bean Coffee Trading Company Ltd is one of the biggest exporters of green coffee from India since 1999. The company having expertise in export, it will help Cafà © Coffee Day to send overseas its FMCG products like Coffee day, Cafà © Beat. Advantages Its sellers responsibility to find customers, negotiate with them and process their orders. Seller maintains complete control by selling through his own export department and sales force It helps to build up clear presence in the market Disadvantages Transportation cost will be high Dependency on Buyer (Porters 5 forces Bargaining power of Buyer ) It might creates lack of control over marketing and sales by delegating to agents Franchising Cafà © Coffee Day can consider Franchising for its Cafà © Coffee Day express and lounge which would mean that CCD is ready to grant the rights to use the multitude of marketing avenues like brand usage, trademarks and usage of products, and a franchisee mode of operation is put in place to make the local entities run the operations under the banner of CCD. Advantages It can generate franchise fee It creates Opportunities to build a broadermarket operation Disadvantages It may create quality control and protecting brand equity problem Wholly-owned Subsidiaries Cafà © Coffee Day can also be concerned about wholly-owned Subsidiaries for express and lounge division. One of the most expensive methods of market entry is using wholly owned subsidiary. It requires long term commitment from the management and resources (Doole and Lowe, 2008, P. 250). This entry method can facilitate Cafà © Coffee Day plans to create the big global chain by 2012-13, at the time of entering in the UK will send clear message about the companys agenda. Advantages Wholly own subsidiary will serve control of core competency and manufacturing method to a competitor The entry mode will assist to realize learning curve and location economies Disadvantages The entry mode will make CCD to bear full cost of establishing its own subsidiary Cafà © Coffee Day needs to study British culture, consumers and competitions Cafà © Coffee Day will have to face UK politics and laws Sales Subsidiaries Cafà © Coffee Day can think about sales subsidiaries while selling its coffee vending machines in the United Kingdom. Sales subsidiaries play no role in manufacturing the products apart from taking accountability for marketing, selling and distributing it (Brassington Pettit, 2006, P. 1138). Advantages CCD can recruit local as well as transfer staff from India It can build up closeness to the customer Transferred staff can have good expertise in the product and management knowledge Recruiting local staff will help CCD to acquire local contacts and knowledge Disadvantages CCD needs to give product and management training to local staff Transportation cost of vending machine can be high Transferred staff needs local knowledge and contacts, and expatriates cost can be high Manufacturing Subsidiaries CCD can also deliberate to establish manufacturing subsidiaries to reduce the import tariff. They can accumulate existing products in the local market or developing better products as per requirements (Brassington Pettit, 2006, P. 1139). Advantages UK government is keen to attract inward investment, it can offer incentives and grants to set up in key region This entry mode for CCD helps to reduce transportation cost in addition to CCD can export the machines to other European countries. Disadvantages This kind of operation needs to start from scratch or acquire manufacturing unit CCD needs to calculate long-term plan before investing resources Recommendations While considering Cafà © Coffee Day, its Business divisions and the United Kingdom as a potential European market I would like to present some recommendations. While studying marketing i come to know that there is no immediate or best solution for entering into a foreign market. Cafà © Coffee Day should calculate all the facts and figures regarding United Kingdom. Cafà © Coffee Day needs to consider franchising, direct export, wholly-owned subsidiaries, sales and manufacturing subsidiaries with their pros and cons. World Banks reports for doing business in the United Kingdom is positive but as a new foreign company in the market, Cafà © Coffee Day should consider to go with low investment and long term strategic goals. Cafà © Coffee Day must consider all the regulations, international laws, and culture and target customers in addition to existing competitors as well.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Waiting for Godot is Not an Absurdist Play :: Waiting for Godot Essays
Waiting for Godot is Not an Absurdist Play       Samuel Beckett's stage plays are gray both in color and in subject matter. Likewise, the answer to the question of whether or not Beckett's work is Absurdist also belongs to that realm of gray in which Beckett often works. The Absurdist label becomes problematic when applied to Beckett because his dramatic works tend to overflow the boundaries which scholars attempt to assign. When discussing Beckett, the critic inevitably becomes entangled in contradiction. The playwright's own denial "that there is a philosophical system behind the plays" and his explicit refusal "to reduce them to codified interpretations" suggests, one could argue, that to search for such systems or interpretations in Beckett's work is, at best, a fruitless endeavor (Beckett quoted. in McMillan 13). Let me suggest, however, that Beckett's own statements and criticisms not be taken as a deterrent to the study of his work. His objections threaten only those interpretations which "redu ce" his work. The challenge for the critic, then, is to evaluate and analyze Beckett in such a way that his works are not reduced but enhanced. The problem with designating Beckett's work as Absurdist is, precisely, that this interpretation reduces his work. When a critic describes a work as "Absurd," she does not simply mean that the work is "outrageous" or "nonsensical" or merely silly. Coined by American critic Martin Esslin, the term "theater of the Absurd" can be defined as a kind of drama that presents a view of the absurdity of the human condition by the abandoning of usual or rational devices and by the use of nonrealistic form....Conceived in perplexity and spiritual anguish, the theater of the absurd portrays not a series of connected incidents telling a story but a pattern of images presenting people as bewildered beings in an incomprehensible universe. (Holman 2) In the introduction to The Theatre of the Absurd, Martin Esslin provides a comprehensive explanation of "Absurdist" theater. He quotes Albert Camus' jThe Myth of Sisyphus: A world that can be explained by reasoning, however faulty, is a familiar world. But in a universe that is suddenly deprived of illusions and of light, man feels a stranger. His is an irremediable exile, because he is deprived of memories of a lost homeland as much as he lacks the hope of a promised
Monday, November 11, 2019
Music of the Baroque
Music of the Baroque BY Pagan Unit 3 – Music of the Baroque 1 . Name two important visual artists (such as painters) and also two important writers of literature (such as poets) from the Baroque Period. Do not name musicians. (Visual Artists) – Peter Paul Rueben & Artemisia Gentiles / (Writers)- John Fletcher and Francis Beaumont 2. Write a paragraph about â€Å"The Baroque Style†. The baroque style was very well suited to the wishes of the aristocracy, who were enormously rich and powerful during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, also religious institutions powerfully shaped the baroque style.Churches used the emotional and theatrical qualities of art to make worship more attractive and appealing. The middle class too, influenced the development of the baroque style, for example prosperous merchants and doctors commissioned realistic landscapes and scenes from everyday life. 3. Write a paragraph that includes the characteristics of Baroque music. A. Unit y of mood – Usually expresses one basic mood: what begins joyfully will remain Joyful throughout. Emotional states like Joy, grief, and agitation were represented.Composers molded a musical language to depict the affections; pacific rhythms or melodic patterns were associated with specific moods. B. Rhythm – Rhythmic patterns heard at the beginning of a piece are repeated throughout it. This rhythmic continuity provides a compelling drive and energy-the forward motion is rarely interrupted. The beat, for example, is emphasized far more in baroque music than in most Renaissance music. C. Melody – There is a continuous expanding, unfolding, and unwinding of melody.This sense of directed motion is frequently the result of a melodic sequence, that is, successive repetition of a musical dead at higher or lower pitches. Many baroque melodies sound elaborate and ornamental, and they are not easy to sing or remember. It gives an impression of dynamic expansion rather th an of balance or symmetry. D. Dynamics – The level of volume tends to stay fairly constant for a stretch of time. When the dynamics do shift, the shift is sudden, like physically stepping from one level to another. The main keyboard instruments of the baroque period were the organ and harpsichord, both well suited for continuity of dynamics.E. Texture – It is predominantly polyphonic in suture. Usually, the soprano and bass lines are the most important. Not all-late baroque music was polyphonic, a piece might shift in texture, especially in vocal music, where changes of mood in the words demand musical contrast. F. Chords and the basso continuo – Chords gave new prominence to the bass part, which served as the foundation of the harmony. The whole musical structure rested on the bass part. The new emphasis on chords and the bass part resulted in the most characteristic feature of baroque music, an accompaniment called the basso continuo.The basso continuo offered the advantage of emphasizing the all-important bass part, besides providing a steady flow of chords. G. Use of words in the music – Baroque composers used music to depict the meaning of specific words. Rising scales represented upward motion; descending scales depicted the reverse. Descending chromatic scales were associated with pain and grief. Composers often emphasized words by writing many rapid notes for a single syllable of text; this technique also displayed a singer's virtuosity. 4. What was the role of music in Baroque society?It served as musical expression for brilliant composers, a source of entertainment for aristocrats, a way of life for musicians and a temporary escape from the routines of daily life for the general public. 5. What was the goal of the group known as the â€Å"Camera†? The Camera wanted to create a new vocal style modeled on the music of ancient Greek tragedy. Since no actual dramatic music had come down to them from the Greeks, they bas ed their theories on literacy accounts that had survived. The Camera wanted the vocal line to follow the rhythms and pitch fluctuations of beech. 6.Write a detailed description of each of the following new forms in Baroque music: A. Concerto gross – Extended composition for instrumental soloists and orchestra, usually in three movements: (1) Fast, (2) Slow, (3) Fast. B. Fugue – Polyphonic composition based on one main theme or subject. C. Opera – Drama that is sung to orchestral accompaniment, usually a large-scale composition employing vocal soloists, chorus, orchestra, costumes, and society. D. Solo concerto – A piece for a single soloist and an orchestra. E. Baroque suite – A group of dance, usually in the name key, with each piece in the binary form or the ternary form.F. Oratorio – Large- scale composition for chorus, vocal soloists, and orchestra, usually set to a narrative text, but without acting, scenery, or costumes; often based on biblical stories. G. Sonata – In baroque music, an instrumental composition in several movements for one to eight players. In music after the baroque period, an instrumental composition usually in several movements for one or two players. H. Church cantata – Composition in several movements, usually written for chorus, one or more vocal soloists; and orchestra.The church cantata for the Lutheran service in Germany during the Baroque period often includes chorales. 7. Write a complete definition for each of the following terms: A. Movement – Piece that sounds fairly complete and independent but is part of a larger composition. B. Libretto – Text of an opera written by the librettist (dramatists) and set to music by the composer. C. Aria -Song for solo voice with orchestral accompaniment, usually expressing an emotional state through its outpouring of melody; found in operas, oratorios, and cantatas. D.Recitative – Vocal lines in an opera, oratorio, or cantata hat imitates the rhythms and pitch fluctuations of speech often serving to lead into an aria. E. Overture (in opera) -Short musical composition, purely orchestral, which opens an opera and sets the overall dramatic mood. Orchestral introductions to later acts of an opera are called preludes. F. Chorus (in opera) – A body of singers who sing the choral parts off work. G. Ground bass – Variation form in which a musical idea in the bass is repeated over and over while the melodies above it constantly change; common in baroque music. H. Chorale – Hymn tune sung too religious text.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The India of My Dreams
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls; Where words come out from the depth of truth; Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action– Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.Goes a poem written by rabindranath tagore, renowned writer, author nd poet, and more importantly, an indian who dreamt of a better india in the future. Well, talking of dreams, a dream is a sub-conscious psychic vision of the ‘Ideal';coloured by personal affections and framed by the human yearning to reach what one wants. But for all the myriad personal fantasies and dreams,the only common dream born out of the heart of patriotic sensibility is that of the country of our d reams. And when the country at the heart of such a dream is as great as India,the dream is rather vivid,colourful and I daresay complex.The India of my dreams is nothing but an amalgamation of its ‘Indianess' manifested in its past glory and promised in its gleaming future. In other words, The India of my dreams is also the India of your dreams. India, being a country of social contrasts and enormous ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity should be in a state where there would be no racism and regionalism. First of all, I would want to curb communalism, whatever its shape or form may be. All such tendencies, which fan the forces of separatism and disruption, have to be eliminated.Secondly, I want India to be scientifically and technologically advanced. I would like India to be at the apex of scientific and technological progress, and give due importance to science and information technology because modern age is an age of science and information technology, which with much ease control the developemental status of any country. All of us want India to become a respectable super power in the world, don’t we? The India of my dreams, again, would be an India that is self-sufficient in food.All the barren lands should be cultivated for achieving self-sufficiency in food-grains. Agriculture should be given special attention because agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. It provides employment to over 60 percent of the country's work force and it accounts for over quarter of India's GDP. It also contributes substantially to export trade. Another Green Revolution should be brought about by launching intensive agricultural programmes and farmers should be asked to use better seeds fertilisers as well as modern tools and implements.Another thing, which I would like to see in India of my dreams, would be the abridgement of the gap between the rich and the poor. National income should be distributed rationally among the all sections of the society. Provision of food, housing and clothing to one and all should be given top priority in the India of my dreams. For achieving and accomplishing this, socialism should be the only remedy which, if practised sincerely, will really usher India into an era of economic equality. If these measures are taken with utmost sincerity, India will really be counted among the most powerful countries of the world .Then is the time that one can say that India has achieved the placed that Rabindra Nath Tagore describes in his lines that I told before I started talking regarding the subject. In this age of industrialization, the country is to be taken to the zenith of progress and prosperity. Industrial development plays a significant role in the growth process of developing countries. It helps in raising income levels and in absorbing rural surplus labour. It is believed that prior to 19th century India was a great manufacturing country. However at the time of independence the industry was in bad sh ape.India's literacy rate as per 1951 census was less than 20 percent. In over fifty seven years it has increased to about 65 percent. Despite all this commendable progress , a lot needs to be done to improve the living conditions of agricultural and industrial labor and the people working in unorganized sectors. Steps should be taken to stop crime and violence. Condition of women folk needs drastic improvement. Women empowerment is the demand of a civilized society. Equal opportunities need to be given to the girl child for education and career development. Dependence on other counties should be a thing of the past.India of my dreams is a country where nobody is illiterate and nobody sleeps hungry, where there is no distinction on the basis of gender, religion or caste, where justice to a common man is neither denied nor deleted, where corruption in public life does not exist, where merit counts in every sphere of life, where jobs cannot be purchased, where the Shabad Kirtan from G urudwaras, and Azan from Mosques, the Bhajans from Temples and chiming of the bells from churches merge and mingle and produce a harmonious, melodious, spiritual tune, loved by one and all.I dream of an India where every citizen feels safe and secure, where health facilities are provided to all . I dream of an educational system where every young dreamer is given his chance, and not chained by lack of seats or caste reservations. I dream that the lakhs of unemployed Indians are integrated into employement.I dream of a socially, scientifically, economically better India . I dream of an India which every Indian can be truly proud of. To capture the essence of the India of my dreams I would like to end with a few lines from John Lennon's ‘Imagine': â€Å"U may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one . †I hope someday u'll join us And India will be No. 1.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
A Characterisc of a Hero essays
A Characterisc of a Hero essays The American Heritage High-school dictionary defines a hero as a man, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength. Is that what a hero truly is? Does he need only strength and courage? Does a hero not need a mind? Any man can be strong and brave, but dose that mean he is a hero? Nay, a hero must have more. He must be quick-witted and always think with his head and never his fear. A man must be clever (mentally bright, superficially skillful or witty) to be considered a hero. A hero has many characteristics but one of the most important is to be able to think his way out of trouble. Not that a hero shouldnt be physically strong, thats always good, but sometimes you cant fight your way out things without getting yourself killed. Odysseus, king of Ithaca, is a very clever man. He shows that quality time and again in The Odyssey. For example, the Trojan War. The Greeks fought with the Trojans for ten years without success. They had to get over the wall around Troy. No one had any ideas. But then Odysseus and his clever mind thought of a way to trick the Trojans. He ordered the Greeks to build a huge wooden horse in which they could hide. Odysseus figured that when the Trojans wake up to the horse and no Greeks in sight that theyd take the horse as a peace offering and take it inside the city. The Trojans did as Odysseus had guessed and after ten long years the war with Troy was finally over. Another example of Odysseus cleverness is when he met a giant, one-eyed monster named Polyphemus. Odysseus and his men went into this giants cave and stayed to meet him. What they saw when Polyphemus came home was a huge surprise. Polyphemus liked humans, yes he did. He liked them as dinner, lunch, and breakfast. Odysseus was losing his men rapidly while they were trapped in the cave. He had to do something. Suddenly an idea popped ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
The Ethical Questions Surrounding Vegetarianism Essay
The Ethical Questions Surrounding Vegetarianism - Essay Example Some choose the vegetarian lifestyle for religious reasons as they find it wrong to eat the flesh of animals. But for many, the decision to adhere to a vegetarian diet comes down not to a matter of nutrition, but a question of ethics. Vegetarians often cite their love for animals as a reason to reject a meat-eating lifestyle, claiming that slaughtering animals for the purposes of consumption is morally objectionable. Still others argue that meat consumption contributes to environmental issues such as pollution, deforestation, and the exploitation of natural resources in the interests of raising feed crops as opposed to more sustainable crops. Whatever the reason, the ethical dilemmas surrounding vegetarianism continue to foster debate among people who wholeheartedly embrace a meat-eating diet and those who condemn the consumption of meat as being morally and ecologically detrimental. It is important to note that there are several levels of vegetarianism by which one can decide to liv e. The catch-all term â€Å"Vegetarian†indicates that a person’s diet does not include the flesh of animals, but the label does allow that animal by-products, such as gelatin, dairy foods, and eggs, can be consumed. Within the vegetarian label, there are several sub-categories. â€Å"Lacto-ovo†(or â€Å"ovo-lacto†) vegetarians eat dairy and eggs, while â€Å"ovo-vegetarians†do not eat dairy, and â€Å"lacto-vegetarians†eschew eggs. There is even a category of dieters referred to as â€Å"pescetarians,†who consume fish and other seafood but no other meats (though many vegetarians do not consider pescetarianism to be â€Å"true†vegetarianism). â€Å"Vegan†is the one of the strictest forms of vegetarianism, as adherents do not eat meat or any animal by-productâ€â€this includes the aforementioned dairy and egg products, but also includes any animal-produced food such as honey. But there are offshoots of veganism t hat are even stricter: fruitarians, for example, only eat fruits, seeds, and nuts in an effort to avoid harming plant life, and su vegetarianism not only prohibits the consumption of animal products, but also forbids the eating of all varieties of onion and garlicâ€â€essentially, any vegetable that produces an odor. The decision about which path of vegetarianism an individual may take depends on several factors, including concerns about health and weight-related issues and religious beliefsâ€â€for example, su vegetarianism is synonymous in many parts of the world with the Buddhist faith. But arguably the greatest influences on a person’s decision to â€Å"go veggie†are questions of morality and ethical behavior. The predominant motivation for many vegetarians is the preservation of animal life. Many vegetarians believe that killing animals for the purpose of eating them is wrong, because animals are living creatures and should be afforded the same right to liv e as human beings. As David DeGrazia states, â€Å"[A]nimals are not mere resources for our use, playthings for our amusement, or even practicing grounds for good behavior towards other humans. They count for something in their own right†(148). Because animals have this â€Å"moral status†in our world, DeGrazia argues, â€Å"it’s wrong to cause extensive, unnecessary harm†to them (149). Abuse of animals is a hot-button topic. Whenever dogs or cats are shown in the aftermath of severe abuse, the public outcry can be deafening, with hundreds of people condemning the abusers while volunteering to shelter the defenseless animal. Yet there is generally not a similar outcry when it comes to the slaughter of animals for meat consumption, because many
Saturday, November 2, 2019
WHAT ARE THE STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESS OF THE VIEW THAT WE ARE LIVING IN A GLOBALISED WORLD - Essay Example nomies into an international economy through trade, capital flows, migration, spread of technology and many other factors contributing to it (Bhagwati, 2004). Globalisation is usually recognized as being caused by a combination of economic, socio-cultural, technological, political and biological factors. It can also refer to the dissemination of ideas, languages or popular culture between nations (Croucher, 2004). Living in a globalised world has its share of negative effects on the average citizen, and globalisation has been one of the most hotly-debated issues in international economics in the past years. One of the causes for this opposition to globalisation is the concern that globalisation has increased inequality and environmental degradation (Hopkins, 2004). Fears for inequality arise in situations in which companies take advantage of cheap labour force in backward countries and use employees for their own needs without taking care of their working conditions. Also, as a result of the industrial nature of factories and that are responsible for manufacturing goods, the environment suffers damages in its land, in bodies of water (including rivers, lakes, oceans, seas) and in the air as well (as poisonous materials are released to the air). Poorer countries suffer more disadvantages because of globalisation. As some countries try to save their national markets, they sometimes subsidise their main export, which is agricultural goods. This lowers the poor farmers crop prices in the poor countries compared to what it would have been if countries had not subsidised their goods. (Hurst, n.d) One other negative effect of globalisation in the economic field is the increase in child labour. The conditions in the poorer countries of the world along with the "enticements" offered by large corporations in them cause even children to go to work in order to help support their families. These children often work in sweatshops and in terrible conditions. The increases in
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