Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Two Survivors Of The Holocaust - 1036 Words
Two Survivors of the Holocaust Don’t Worry this is not one of those gross and gory stories about the Holocaust. It is and compare and contrast of two families where some members survived, but some unfortunately did not. The two families being talked about are the Weismann’s and the Klein’s. Many Jews lives were lost during the holocaust, but there is also many who survived such a traumatic event. These people’s stories can be so different, but also so alike at the same time and that is what I am going to elaborate on today. Kurt and Gerda’s lives before the war before the war were very different, mostly because of their living circumstances were so different. Before the war started Kurt a year after his sister moved to the United States of America, and Gerda and her family stayed in their homeland of Poland until were kicked out later on after the World War 2 started. When Kurt first moved to America it was just him and his sister. About a year later their brother was lucky enough to make it there as well, in the year of 1938. September 1st 1939 Nazi invaded Poland. A short time after Gerda’s Brother Arthur was forced to leave in a Nazi transport along with other young men in their town, and had to leave the family. Kurt got to be with his siblings unlike Gerda, and Gerda got to be with her parents unlike Kurt. Kurt’s family had plans to all be in America together, but many things got in the way of Kurt’s parents getting there. Such as new immigration laws and gettingShow Mor eRelatedThe Holocaust And Its Effects On Survivors1442 Words  | 6 PagesThe Holocaust was a really tragic event that took place in the period from January 30, 1933 to May 8, 1945, during the Holocaust about 11 million Jews were killed (Wikipedia) by a german group that saw the Jewish people as an inferior race, the Nazis, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, mercilessly killed all of those unfortunate to be caught. To this day, there are still survivors that witnessed this horrifying event, there are also journals and articles that explain in great detail how the HolocaustRead MoreThe Holocaust : A Major Effect On Judaism1409 Words  | 6 PagesThe holocaust had a major effect on Judaism as a whole. This conflict between tragedy and faith is not new. Jewish history shows us that the jewish people have undergone the most terrible persecutions and genocide at the hands of many oppressors. Whether it be about the pogroms, crusades, destruction of the Temples, the jewish peopl e have been at the brunt of the most terrible atrocities, and yet this does not shake their faith,Anti-Semitism was nothing new. This became even more evident with theRead MoreThe On Coping With The Holocaust Experience1401 Words  | 6 Pageschaos because of the Holocaust. Families were ripped apart and values were washed away as citizens were forcefully placed in concentration camps to either be immediately killed or to work until they died. Every person within the camps faced unthinkable trauma. Once everyone was released, the prisoners began to search for lost loved ones and a sense of normality. However, the anguish did not end with the end of the Holocaust. Following the Holocaust, first generation survivors developed abnormalRead MoreEssay Bare Witness of the Holocaust1435 Words  | 6 PagesBearing witness When we encounter a Holocaust survivor, a lot of questions come to our mind. We start to wonder how did they manage to survive. We tend to assume that once the Holocaust was over, survivors began to reestablish their lives and their pain disappeared. However, Holocaust survivors suffered, and even after 70 years after the liberation, Holocaust survivors still experience difficulties on their day-to-day basis. In the years followed the Holocaust they struggled with their painful memoriesRead MoreThe Holocaust During World War II1651 Words  | 7 PagesThe holocaust was the genocide of European Jews and other groups by the Nazis during World War II. It lasted from 1933 to 1945, as a horrible time in history. Approximately 11 million people were killed, and almost 1 million of those killed were innocent children. It is well-known that there were a number of survivors, yet not many people know exactly how these people survived. The most known thing about the holocaust are the concentration camps. A concentration camp is defined by, â€Å"a place whereRead MoreThe Holocaust And The Rwanda Genocide1629 Words  | 7 PagesThe mind of a survivor of genocide can be various, violent, confused, or blank, it can scar the mind indefinitely or not. Not only are the conductors of the kill-spree are scary, but even the victims can be just as terrifying. Two examples of genocide are the Holocaust and the Rwanda Genocide, both of which gives off long ranges of psychological effects on the mind of those who survive. Survivors struggle through the tragic events with the hope they would soon find and be with their loved ones. SoRead MoreMental Health in Holocaust Survivors1554 Words  | 6 Pagessecond generation holocaust survivors Sarah Getz Suffolk University â€Æ' Rationale†¨ Many American immigrants have been affected in both their mental health and family history by Nazi concentration camp experiences. This group of Americans has a unique cultural and psychological history. Many researchers have focused on this cultural group. The term survivor syndrome (Krystal, 1968; Krystal Niederland, 1971) was coined to describe some of the negative symptoms holocaust survivors experienced. ThisRead MoreThe Most Traumatic Event Of The 20th Century1073 Words  | 5 PagesCentury The Holocaust is known as one of the darkest side and one of the most vast hardships in the 20th century. â€Å"Holocaust,†comes from the Greek words, â€Å"holos†and â€Å"kaustos.†The word, â€Å"holos,†means whole and the word, â€Å"kaustos,†means burned. It was historically used to illustrate a sacrificial offering of the burning on an altar. Ever since 1945, this word has been taken to a whole other level. Today, the meaning behind this word is the universal murder of 6 million Jews (The Holocaust). In 1933Read MoreThe Holocaust : The Causes Of Hate In The Holocaust1424 Words  | 6 Pagestowards them? The Holocaust being one of the many genocides in our history was indeed influenced by an intense dislike. That intense dislike was towards certain types of people it ended up taking multiple lives. One of the many races that were hated, and killed during the Holocaust were the Jews. Jews had an average life before the Holocaust. According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum website, in 1933, there were about ten million Jews living in Europe which made up about two percent ofRead MoreThe Holocaust : The Most Tragic And Shameful Event1330 Words  | 6 PagesIn just twelve years, a heinous vision executed nearly six million Jewish people at the hands of Hitler and his followers, making the Holocaust debatably the most tragic and shameful event recorded in Earth’s history. During this time, different races, ethnicities, and religious groups were persecuted and annihilated for their beliefs that conflicted with Hitler’s persistence to eliminate the â€Å"flaws†of humanity. Hitler and his followers had one goal in mind: to cultivate a master race for the next
Monday, December 23, 2019
Ethical Issues in Social Work Essay - 4635 Words
Ethical Issues in Social Work I will provide practical help for new social workers to help them understand and deal with ethical issues and dilemmas which they will face. There are many ethical issues which are important to social work, but I feel that these are all covered by the care value base. The care value base Was devised by the care sector consortium in 1992, this was so that the workers in health and social care had a common set of values and principles which they would all adhere to. It is important because for the first time the social care sector had a clear set of guidelines from which ethical judgements could be made. The care value base is divided into 5†¦show more content†¦This is important to the individual as it affects self esteem, because if for example a service user is being treated differently because of the colour of his skin, then it could lead to him having a feeling of low self worth and low self esteem. It could also effect the opportunities for the service user, this is because for example, a service user could not be able to receive the same treatment as the other service users and so would not have the same opportunities. Also, if a service user is being discriminated against, they will not be empowered. This could lead to low autonomy as they would not be able to do much for themselves. Rights and Responsibilities Carers must understand that the service users have the right to choose their own beliefs and lifestyle. For example they have the right to choose what they wear and what they choose to do in the day. The carer has a responsibity to enable the client do what they choose to do. The carer will therefore be empowering the client. This is where the client is given the power to make their own decisions and allowing them to do as they wish. The carer must understand they don’t have the right to damage the quality of a client’s life, they must also ensure that other clients do not harm other clients, and that other carersShow MoreRelatedEthical Issues Of Social Work Practice1093 Words  | 5 PagesUnit 17: Topic: Ethical issues in Social Work Practice. Our everyday interactions are underpinned by ethics. Social work in its sectors deals with people in multiple and complex situations. Social workers largely work with people who are affected by different life aspects such as ethnicity, disabilities and culture. The fundamental concern for social work is to understand how these aspects affect the individuals. Applying normative ethical theory processes of ethical analysis Virtue ethics concernedRead MoreThe Ethical Issues Of The Social Work Practice Essay956 Words  | 4 Pages Position Paper #4 The ethical issues in the social work practice are very extensive. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Unit Assessment Free Essays
Human Resources Coordinator: Supports the efficient operations of the Human Resources Department by coordinating and delivering a diverse range of Human Resources Management activities with a focus on recruitment, on-boarding induction training, Human Resources system administration, organization development and information management. Business Plans: To work closely with Government, health practitioners, researchers, cancer advocacy groups, charities and cancers sufferers to help eradicate cancer. Business Goals: To eradicate cancer by reducing smoking prevalence. We will write a custom essay sample on Unit Assessment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ever exposure to ultraviolet light by behavior modification, create healthy environments thus having healthier lifestyles for patients, increasing cancer survival rates by encouraging screening participation, improving earlier detection, reducing cancer outcome variations, reducing the gap between outcomes and the care patients receive by defining key areas, Improve models of service delivery, embedding health services research In cancer care and arranging policies procedures to support them. Policies Procedures: Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, Annual Reports Cancer Plans, NEWS Cancer Plan 2011-2015, Conflict of Interest, Corporate Credit Card, Corporate Governance Statement, Data Governance, Employee Code of Conduct Ethics, Fraud Corruption Control Strategy, Information Technology – Third Party Service Management, Public Interest Disclosures Policy, Receiving gifts benefits, Records Management, Reporting Corrupt Conduct to IAC, Responding to Requests for Information Advice, Smoke Free Workplace and Sponsorship. ) Goals Coordinate the on-boarding of new staff Coordinate the separation of exiting staff Coordinate Performance Development Process (PDP) cycle milestones Coordinate organization wide training initiatives Coordinate organization wide reward and recognition programs The Human Resources (HRS) Coordinator’s role is to ensure the above goals are met by working independently as well as working closely with HRS Management. By gathe ring the required Information, the HRS Coordinator must take it and use It accordingly to the organizations polices and procedures. The HRS Team can only function correctly if everyone plays their part. The HRS Coordinators primary role is to coordinate – to reduce plans for the organization in order for the organization to follow them in accordance with policy and procedure. 3) KIP: On-boarding Staff – Produce letters of employment offer, develop starter kits for new staff and organize enrolment into HRS Learning Systems for new staff. KIP: Separation of Exiting Staff – Conducting exit interviews, produce separation checklists, closure of employee profiles and removal of employee from HRS Systems. KIP: PDP Cycle Milestones – Develop documentation follow-up to ensure milestones are completed in accordance with organizational requirements and generate a rarity of performance outcome reports. KIP: Organization Wide Training Initiatives – Organize invitations to get people involved in training, keep a formal attendance record, organize qualified facilitators to train students, keep maintain training calendar for important training dates (assessments) and book venues for training to be held. KIP: Coordinate Organization Wide Reward Recognition Programs – Be in charge of the organizing and running of the Purple Jersey Program, distribution of movie lunch vouchers and developing 5 year service awards by keeping track of employee attendance. The above Kepi’s will be used to measure goal-related performance by how well each task is performed. Every goal that each employee completes makes up the organizations overall performance outcome. Every task has its own set of conditions and difficulties. These conditions and difficulties can vary from minimal to maximum depending on what the task is and how the task is handled. By using the urgent-important matrix, we can eliminate the most important tasks first and work on the smaller tasks at a later time that way the sit of tasks does not seem as bad as originally planned as they are broken up into more manageable tasks. By using the matrix, it can eliminate the stresses of having so much on one’s plate to do. It will make it easier to look at each task and say â€Å"It is manageable†or â€Å"l can achieve this†instead of lacking the confidence to do so. 4) Coordinate organization wide training initiatives Coordinate PDP Cycle Milestones Coordinate separation of exiting staff Coordinate organization wide reward and recognition programs The two goals that I choose to develop work plans for are: I chose these two goals as I believe they are the most important tasks to manage for the organization would be going nowhere. Putting on new staff replaces those that exit the organization. I will maintain a healthy work-life balance by finding my best two hours of the day to strongly strive awards getting my urgent-important tasks done. I also truly believe that work stays at work and home stays within home boundaries – do not mix the two together as it can cause problems in either area. My stress levels can be managed by sticking to my work plan of doing the urgent-important tasks first to eliminate worrying about trying to do several tasks at once. I can maintain my health by taking regular breaks away from the computer screen as it is unhealthy to be sitting staring at a computer the brief walk from my desk to the staff room and back. How to cite Unit Assessment, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Patient Medical Record free essay sample
VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 100, respiratory rate 42 per minute, temperature 99. 1, blood pressure 156/96. GENERAL: The patient appears very tired at the present time. HEENT: negative. CHEST: There is an increased anteroposterior diaemeter to the chest. No intercostal retractions during inspiration. HEART: Normal heart sounds without murmor or racing. ABDOMEN: soft and nontender. EXTREMETIES: normal with full range of motion. LABORATORY DATA: Urine test was positive for ketones. A complete blood panel was done and showed a blood sugar level of 150 mg. White blood cell count was elevated at 13. 5 IMPRESSION: Myelodysplastic Syndrome Diabetes Mellitus Two questions for potential hires: What else does this medical report need: A. more in depth description B. less detail C. a prognosis plan D. nothing E. all the above What else could this report have that will be beneficial to all medical personnel? A. more specific information B. more information on vital C. a more in depth past history D. We will write a custom essay sample on Patient Medical Record or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page all the above E. nothing more REFERENCES: Retrieved from http://1. American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in diabetes  2013. Diabetes Care. 2013;36(suppl):1 / Retrieved from http://www. cancer. org/cancer/myelodysplasticsyndrome/index ADMISSION HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAM PATIENT NAME: Cody Jones HOSPITAL NUMBER: 602-888-6939 DATE OF ADMISSION: June 1, 2012 HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS This patient is an 18 month old african american male evaluated by me in the emergency department on the above date, patient was very irritable and left ear appears to be red and swollen. PAST HISTORY This is the patients third time coming into the emergency department with like symptoms. At age 12 months patient was diagnosed with asthma after a chronic sinus infection and wheezing. Patient has no surgical history. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION VITAL SIGNS: pulse 100, respiratory rate 25 per minute, temperature 99. 3, blood pressure 95/60. GENERAL: Patient appears to be irritable. HEENT: Negative,except for redness and swelling of left ear. CHEST: Normal HEART: Normal heart sounds without murmor. ABDOMEN: soft and nontender. EXTREMETIES: normal with full range of motion. LABORATORY DATA Complete blood count came back normal. IMPRESSION Otis media effusion of the left auditory canal Asthma Two questions for potential hires: Is this a complete medical report: A. yes B. o, it lacks information C. It needs more information for vitals D. more information needed for patient past history E. needs a diagnosis Does the medical report have follow up care information: A. It has just enough information B. has to little information No follow up care information is needed D. follow up care does not go on a medical record E. Medical record should have detailed specific follow up inform ation References Kids Health. (2013). Retrieved from http://kidshealth. org/parent/medical/asthma/wheezing_asthma. html# emedicine health. (2013). Retrieved from http://www. medicinehealth. com/pediatric_vital_signs/article_em. htm American Academy of Pediatrics. (2013). Retrieved from http://pediatrics. aappublications. org/content/113/5/1412. full ADMISSION HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAM PATIENT NAME: Fred Thompson HOSPITAL NUMBER: 557-852-3685 DATE OF ADMISSION: April 6, 2013 HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS This 78-year-old caucasian was evaluated by me in the emergency department on the above date, complaining of progressive shortness of breath, fever, fatigue, heartburn, and upper back pain. PAST HISTORY The patient has a history of myocardial infarction. 2 years ago patient had like symptoms and was diagnosed with myocardial infarction after results were positive from a electrocardiogram (ECG). Patient also has gout. Does not smoke or drink alcohol. No past surgical history. PHYSICAL EXAMINAION VITAL SIGNS: Pulse 90, respiratory rate 52 per minute, temperature 101. 1, blood pressure 154/96. GENERAL: The patient appears to be fatigued and is sweaty from fever at this time. HEENT: Negative. CHEST: There is an increased anteroposterior diameter to the chest. HEART: The heart appears to have a skipped beat. ABDOMEN: Soft and nontender. EXTREMETIES: Patient has full range of motion. Both ankles have swelling . LABORATORY DATA Complete blood count shown an elevated white blood cell count of 16,4000. Blood count also shown cardiac enzymes to be present. Uric acid was also elevated and present in blood count. A urine test shown positive for uric acid. IMPRESSION Congestive heart failure Myocardial Infarction Gout Two questions for potential hires: Is this a complete medical report: A. yes B. no, it lacks information C. It needs more information for vitals D. more information needed for patient past history E. needs a diagnosis What other information is needed on this report: A. more lab results B. specific lab results more patient history D. more information on physical examination E. all the above References WebMD. (2013). Retrieved from http://arthritis. webmd. com/tc/gout-topic-overview MedicineNet. (2013). Retrieved from http://www. medicinenet. com/heart_attack/page6. htm LabTestsOnline. (2013). Retrieved from http://labtestsonline. org/understanding/analytes/uric-acid/tab/test
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