Saturday, February 15, 2020
All the Pretty Horses, by Cormac McCarthy Essay
All the Pretty Horses, by Cormac McCarthy - Essay Example Here Grady is more experienced with the cruelties and whims of life. His innocence and ignorance push him to do things at the risks of his life. Gail Moore Morrison portrays him as a man who â€Å"will risk much, for he is a man of action, of passion, of character and of honor†(184). Being pushed by his innocence he runs away to Mexico in quest of unnamed fulfillment. This unnamed fulfillment is more than the promise of adventure. In Grady’s case, it is the annihilation of the pain of ignorance. For the sixteen years old boy, his innocence changes into experience and consequently his adventure turns into struggle for life. In a world, full of struggles, Blevins’ death prove that a boy of broiling blood like Blevins must die unless he receives supervisions a realist like Rawlings. As the romanticism of the adventure begins to dispel, Cole starts to realize that a life-supporting job, as Cole takes the job of a wrangler in Mexico, is a must to survive amid the whi ms of life. In this regard, Seth M Packham comments on the change of the protagonist, â€Å"His heroism, and stubbornness to the cowboy code of chivalry are severely circumscribed by the evils of hostile Mexico†(14). In the novel stern realities and unexpected truth appear with their naked faces. The novel is fraught with the theme that the precondition of experience necessarily demands the interactions between human beings and the evil presences of this universe. In his journey to the region of the unknown Grady Cole confronts the evil that appears to be the inevitable component of the world in which human beings live, as Walter Sullivan comments, â€Å"In McCarthys novels evil is too endemic to require motivation†(651). The paradox of innocence and experience in the novel is that Grady Cole has to interact and at the same time be acquainted with the evil in the world and the evil within himself in order to
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Can the ethos of equity as offering a remedy for the over-generality Essay
Can the ethos of equity as offering a remedy for the over-generality of the law be reconciled with the formality requirements of sec. 53 (LPA) - Essay Example efoucauld V Boustead [1897], where the defendant had property sold and the proceeds transferred to him, without the fair consideration that the plaintiff had equal interest in the property, which the defendant had transferred unfairly (Bar, Drobnig & Alpa, 2004 p511). The judge of the trial court had held that the estates had been transferred to the defendant, not as a trustee, but as a beneficial owner of the estates. However, the trial judge held that the existence of a trust relationship could be established. It is this generality that the ethos of equity seeks to address, and it is therefore possible to reconcile the provisions of the ethos of equity with the formality requirements of sec. 53 (LPA), since section 53 (1) (c) requires that a disposition of an equitable or trust that exists at the time of the disposition, be in writing and signed by the party disposing the property (McFarlane, Hopkins & Nield, 2012 p373). This provision safeguards against the unfair transfer without having involved the consent of the interested parties, which is also the objective of the ethos of equity. Therefore, the ethos of equity and formality requirements of sec. 53 (LPA) can be
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